Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lose Pregnancy Fat

So you just gave birth to a stunning baby boy or girl, how exciting! I hope motherhood is agreeing with you. One of the main concerns new mothers have (asides from the new baby) is how they can lose all the weight they've gained during their pregnancy. I'm pretty sure that you would much rather spend quality time with your new baby than having to run off to the gym for a couple of hours everyday.

After giving birth, it can be really hard to lose pregnancy fat. There are ways you can lose pregnancy fat and spend time with your new child. Follow this easy tips to lose pregnancy weight AND be there for your new child.

The first step you can do is to control what you put into your body. As you know, post pregnancy is a roller coaster of emotions due to hormones. Your body is trying to get back to the same hormone levels you had before you were pregnant. You will experience all these food cravings because of your change in hormones. Since your not pregnant, you can't use the excuse your eating for two anymore. To control your cravings, you need to monitor that amount of sugar your taking in and stabilize it. Eat small meals and frequently as the day goes by. Instead of eating 2-3 large meals a day, it is more beneficial in weight loss to eat 5-6 small meals a day.

Second,not only is breast feeding good for your baby, it's also good for you! You can lose more weight if you breast feed. It's hard to believe but there is a biological reason why you gain weight during pregnancy. Your body needs fat to help you lactate. If you breast feed, you can lose up to 500-700 calories a day. Another way to bond with you child is to breast feed, it is also the best way to burn calories.

Third, you can lose pregnancy fat and spend quality time with your baby just by taking a walk around the neighborhood. Your neighbors and friends are probably all dying to see your new baby, so instead of having them come to visit you, why not get some exercise and put your child in a stroller and walk all over the neighborhood to show him or her off. Instead of having your friends and neighbors come over, put your baby in the stroller and go for a walk around the block to meet the neighborhood . Taking a walk is a fast exercise for weight loss, it might also help with the stress in being a new mother too.

Don't forget it's not crucial for your to lose pregnancy weight fast. Having a baby takes a big toll on your body, try to pace losing weight. Try to lose weight as safely and natural as you can, for your baby's sake. For your baby's sake, lose weight healthy and naturally. Just be patient and soon you will be able to fit back into your skinny jeans again.

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