Saturday, December 5, 2009

Motivation to Lose Weight

One of the hardest things in weight loss is finding the motivation to lose weight and to stick with your weight loss plan. Here are a couple of things you can do to keep focused and motivated to reach your weight loss goal.

Steer Clear of Temptation — Thinking smart is the first step to staying motivated to lose weight. If your favorite things to eat are around you all the time, you are more likely to cave in, so throw all those things away or get it out of the house. If your in the kitchen and you think of your favorite food that's right in the cabinet in front of you, then your most likely to give up on your goals. You are more likely to reach your goals if your most favorite snack in the world isn't a foot away from you.

Set Realistic Goals – Have goals that can be easily attainable. Imagine how motivated you'll become if the goal is reachable motivation to lose weight. Try to stick to a healthier weight loss goal by not trying to lose weight too fast.

Reward Yourself — Try to reward yourself once in awhile when you've stuck to your weight loss program. Treating yourself will help reinforce positive feelings that you are doing a great job and it's a good boost during your difficult times.Allow yourself a special treat, that you wouldn't normally have on your weight loss plan.

Go Easy on Yourself —Don't take it too personally if you didn't meet your weight loss goal for the month or week. Your not going to lose weight feeling down that you didn't meet you goals. Use those times as a way to sit back and examine what can improve in your weight loss plan.

Stay One Step Ahead of Hunger – Being hungry all the time isn't going to help you on your diet. You need to stay one step ahead of hunger, eat several small meals a day instead of the usual 3. Spreading out the calories through the day can help you feel more full in between meals. Drinking water is not only healthy for you but it help fills your stomach up so you don't feel as hungry.

Find an Activity that You Enjoy — If you want to lose weight effortlessly make weight loss easier by making it fun to do. You should join a soccer team if you like soccer. If your more into swimming go the the local community pool. Participating in activities you love is a more enjoyable way to lose weight than your usual mundane workout routine.

I hope this article has given you plenty of options to find and stay motivated to lose weight. Reaching your weight loss goals should not have to be that difficult if you learn to think differently and keep it positive. Follow these easy tips to really lose weight quickly.

10 Shockingly Easy Ways to Lose Weight

When your overweight you are more at risk in having certain health issues like stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and so much more. Having surgery when your overweight is more dangerous.It's a given that if you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat. You are promised the world if you give in to the weight loss industry. Here are some simple ways to lose fat that you can do everyday (keep in mind you're also eating less fat and exercising).

1. The color blue can help you lose weight. An appetite suppressant is wearing or having the color blue in your life. Have you ever noticed that most fast food restaurants don't use the color blue in their restaurants. Try to wear the color blue while eating, surround your eating environment with blue and even serve your meals on blue dishware. Avoiding the colors red, orange or yellow can help you lose weight because those colors encourage appetites. This is a fantastic alternative to lose weight weithout going on a diet.

Think you are taking in more calories than you really are by adding 10% to your diet,adapt the way you eat to fit your new calorie intake goal. Your new number to your calorie intake is more likely accurate if you add 10% on top of that, for example your daily intake is 1,500 and you add 150 more calories to what your eating.

Pay extra attention to what your taking in on weekends. A study from the University of North Carolina found that people consume an extra 300 calories on weekends, due to alcohol and fat. People take in more calories during the weekend, about 500 more, from a study at the University of North Carolina. We don't always eat our calories. You can drink calories too.

4. After every meal, brush your teeth. Having that clean, minty fresh breath you get after brushing your teeth, will trick your brain and body that your done eating. If you brush your teeth after your done eating, your brain and body will think you are done eating for the night. You don't feel like eating right after you brush your teeth before it's time to go to bed because of every bite you take laced with that minty fresh taste.

5. Kissing passionately can help with weight loss. A study from the Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex confirms that by kissing passionately, you can lose up to 6.4 calories per minute. You can lose 23,000 calories per year by making out passionately 10 minutes a day!

6. Eat only when you hear your stomach is growling
. Tons of people eat due to boredom, nervousness, frustrations or even out of habit. Only eat when you hear your belly grumbling. It is more likely cravings if you want something specific instead of hunger.

7. Restaurant style vs. Family style
. To keep from getting second helpings of food, try eating restaurant style (one plate) instead of family style (platters in the middle of the table).When you've eaten everything on your plate, you are finished.

8.Before your meals, take a walk. Walking can keep you from feeling as hungry and it's also a good way to burn calories. This is a great secret for losing weight.

9. Go nuts! rather than eating a sugary treat. Studies prove that nuts can help you lose weight even if they are high in calories. Nuts are filling and gratifying.

10. Eating in front of a mirror can suppress your appetite
. There was a study that was done that told us that people ate 1/3 less of their meal when a mirror was put in front of them.Looking at yourself in a mirror can help cut back on the food you take in because you are constantly reminded why you are trying to lose weight and makes you think about your goal, to lose weight.

You can increase the amount of weight you want to lose if you follow these ten simple tips.

Follow these ten easy ways to lose weight and you'll be boosting the effectiveness of any weight loss program that you might be doing.

How to Increase Your Metabolism

Are you looking for a great way to program your body to lose weight effortlessly? By raising your metabolism, you can turn your body into a fat burning furnace.

how to boost your metabolism:

Your metabolism is the body's way of burning the foods you eat. Quite simply, the higher your metabolism, the quicker you'll burn up those calories. And the lower it is, the fatter you'll get. So, let's take a look at ways to increase metabolism so you will start to effortlessly slim down.

Food equals fuel for your body. Each and every one of the cells in your body is fueled by the food you eat. These calories fuel the beating of your heart and the thinking of your brain. The more active you are, the faster you will burn through the calories you eat, and the faster you'll lose weight.

To lose weight you must learn how to boost your metabolism. We want to boost your resting metabolism, to be more specific. When you do this, you'll be able to lose weight without having to work out so much.

You'll have to modify your lifestyle. You'll be eating better and working out. Once you do both of these, you'll see those pounds fall away and never haunt you again.

Diet: It can be hard to sacrifice all the foods you love. But it probably won't need to completely change every thing you eat. Start by changing the portions of what you already eat. Then start looking into healthier foods. Try to eat more carbohydrates and less fats for a more balanced diet.

Exercise: You need to do both aerobic and weight training. Aerobic exercises like jogging and biking will help you actively burn calories. Weight training is not just for bodybuilder. By building up your muscles, they will eat up more calories in order to repair themselves after each workout.

Do both of these and you'll see your metabolism shoot through the roof while your weight drops quickly.

Lose the Beer Belly

How do you lose the beer belly? It' can be challenging. You've gone through a lot with your old friend that you used to party a lot with. Remember all the good times you've had together like those wild parties, Sunday football games, grabbing a beer during happy hour, hanging out at the bar around the corner. You 2 have shared some great times, but times have changed and you want to lose the beer belly.

Losing that beer belly will take time and hard work. Try not to listen to what the tabloids and TV are saying,you might be fooled into following the latest celebrity diet or popping a few pills every four hours can give you the body of a runway model. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's going to take a lot more work to accomplish what you want.

It's true. All those beautiful people you see in magazines, tv or in movies are so fit and healthy due to regular exercise and healthy eating. If you want to lose that beer belly,you would think you would do the same thing they are? Yeah, it will take effort but it doesn't have to be as challenging as you would think.People who are trying to get rid of their beer belly, they start jogging and doing situps. This may be the obvious answer. Doing sit ups and crunches won't get rid of your beer belly, it will just strengthen your muscles. In order to burn calories, running will help. Unless you do more than crunches and sit ups, you might get a nice six pack but you wouln't be able to tell underneath that layer of fat called your beer belly.

So, what do you do if crunches and sit ups aren't enough to get rid of lower belly fat?

Step 1, stop drinking beer. I know this may sound like an impossible feat for you. Don't you think you have the beer belly because of the consumption of BEER? It doesn't mean you can't have a little bit of beer, just monitor and decrease how much you drink.

To lose your beer belly, follow these two steps. Eating right and exercise will help lose your beer belly. Results won't be as great if you choose healthy eating over exercise or vice versa. Yes, exercise might burn more calories, but if you don’t eat less calories in the first place you may not be burning more than you eat.In order to burn calories, exercise does help but if your eating more calories than you burn than all your hard work might be counteractive. Doing both diet and exercise will help maximize results if you want to lose your beer belly.

The first step is to eat healthy.Start paying attention to what you eat. Your body needs all the right nutrients. The right nutrients your body needs are protein complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Once you start eating right, you metabolism will increase and you will start to burn more fat.

Second, exercise is the next contributing factor in weight loss. Cardio (aerobic exercise) and resistance training (strength training) is what you would need to do. Aerobic exercises like running, calisthenics, or any other form of cardio can increase your body's stamina and heart strength and it's a good way to burn excess calories. Strength training can help tone your body and increase your metabolism, which will help you shed those pounds.

If you want to lose your beer belly, exercising and eating healthy is the solution. Follow this advice and you'll soon find that you will be lose weight faster. Best of luck to you and all your endeavors!

Lose Pregnancy Fat

So you just gave birth to a stunning baby boy or girl, how exciting! I hope motherhood is agreeing with you. One of the main concerns new mothers have (asides from the new baby) is how they can lose all the weight they've gained during their pregnancy. I'm pretty sure that you would much rather spend quality time with your new baby than having to run off to the gym for a couple of hours everyday.

After giving birth, it can be really hard to lose pregnancy fat. There are ways you can lose pregnancy fat and spend time with your new child. Follow this easy tips to lose pregnancy weight AND be there for your new child.

The first step you can do is to control what you put into your body. As you know, post pregnancy is a roller coaster of emotions due to hormones. Your body is trying to get back to the same hormone levels you had before you were pregnant. You will experience all these food cravings because of your change in hormones. Since your not pregnant, you can't use the excuse your eating for two anymore. To control your cravings, you need to monitor that amount of sugar your taking in and stabilize it. Eat small meals and frequently as the day goes by. Instead of eating 2-3 large meals a day, it is more beneficial in weight loss to eat 5-6 small meals a day.

Second,not only is breast feeding good for your baby, it's also good for you! You can lose more weight if you breast feed. It's hard to believe but there is a biological reason why you gain weight during pregnancy. Your body needs fat to help you lactate. If you breast feed, you can lose up to 500-700 calories a day. Another way to bond with you child is to breast feed, it is also the best way to burn calories.

Third, you can lose pregnancy fat and spend quality time with your baby just by taking a walk around the neighborhood. Your neighbors and friends are probably all dying to see your new baby, so instead of having them come to visit you, why not get some exercise and put your child in a stroller and walk all over the neighborhood to show him or her off. Instead of having your friends and neighbors come over, put your baby in the stroller and go for a walk around the block to meet the neighborhood . Taking a walk is a fast exercise for weight loss, it might also help with the stress in being a new mother too.

Don't forget it's not crucial for your to lose pregnancy weight fast. Having a baby takes a big toll on your body, try to pace losing weight. Try to lose weight as safely and natural as you can, for your baby's sake. For your baby's sake, lose weight healthy and naturally. Just be patient and soon you will be able to fit back into your skinny jeans again.

Lose Butt Fat

Our butts eventually get larger as we get older. This happens why? Lack of time to develop a good workout routine to lose butt fat? Could be. Eating too much fatty foods, or too much food, period? Possibly. Or maybe it’s just genetics?Or maybe it's part of your DNA code. Sure. that could be the reason. Bottom line, you want to lose weight faster.

Don't let all the excuses from actually doing what you want to do, like to lose weight. Don't let all the excuses keep you down. Today there are plenty of ways to get the body you want, lose your butt fat and gain some confidence. You can lose butt fat by either surgical or non-surgical ways.

Just know, that it took quite some time for your big fat butt to get that size so it will take time, hard work and diligence to get the butt you want. There is no rapid way to lose butt fat. Don't give up and you'll see results after all that hard work you've done.

Lose butt fat with radio frequency and ultrasound -- These days, fat can be melted away, literally. With the help of a professional, you can use ultrasound, or radio frequency to send waves into your body. With these medical treatments, energy can be absorbed by our fat cells which can melt our fat into a liquid state. By a small suction device, the "melted fat" can be taken out swiftly. This experience feels like a warm tingling sensation under your skin. This can be one of the ways to get rid of weight fast.

If you really want to lose butt fat than you would need to do some butt exercises-- Putting on a pair of sweat pants or workout clothes is a good start. In this day in age, people are so busy balancing their home life, work, and other everyday mundane tasks to fit in a quick workout. In order to lose butt fat, you need to set time aside to workout. It's really important to set aside time to do exercise to lose weight.

There are several different types of exercises to get rid of your butt fat, lunges is a great exercise you can try out. Some of the new work out programs out there are not only effective but fun and enjoyable! By doing Regular men and women can join these programs that focus on shaping and slimming their butts There are several programs that men and women can join to help tone and lose butt fat. There are many programs out there that can have you moving around and having fun to lose butt fat like yoga, ballet, and dance classes. Just think, you can lose 10-12 inches off your waist and losing up to 20 pounds off your current weight.

Liposuction surgery -- You can always do liposuction if you have the money and lack of time for exercises or eating smart . Liposuction is a quick and expensive solution for weight loss. In a simple 2 hour treatment, you can get rid of 9 pounds of excess body weight. Wouldn't it feel great to lose that much weight with little effort, you would be slimmer and more confident about yourself.

The lower body lift --For several people, the area of the buttocks is just a small part in losing butt fat. I bet you would also want to slim down not only your butt, but your waist, thigh and belly too. You can combine a lower body lift with liposuction to drastically shape and slim down your body in your butt, thighs, and abdomen. To slim down in your butt, thighs and abdomen region you can get liposuction and a lower body lift to quickly change your shape.This can also help firm and tone your loose and saggy body after your rapid weight loss. This is the fastest and most effortless way to lose weight.

The above four methods will help you slim down your butt, but by all means they are not the only things you can do. Other than the 4 methods above, there are several other ways to lose that butt fat and create a healthier and happier you. You can download tons of books and videos to get started on your weight loss today!

How to Lose 5 Pounds a Week

Are you looking to shed 5 pounds a week? ...each and every week? By following these tips every week, you can meet your desired weight goals. You can get started today by following this outline, containing two easy exercises and dieting tips.

A Guide to Losing 5 Pounds a week

The first step is increasing the amount of protein and fiber your body intakes. This is key if you want to lose weight fast. Increasing the amount of protein and fiber your body absorbs, you are doing two important steps. The more you consume protein, the higher your metabolism. Next, fiber will help get rid of waste in your digestive tract.You can increase your weight lost, by eliminating bodily waste. By pooping enough you can decrease the amount of waste buildup in your body, having waste buildup can keep your body from losing weight.

Second, instead of processed foods, make sure the sugar your body is consuming comes from fruit.

Sugar found in fruit is natural compared to processes sugar. Fiber and pulp can be found in fruit which can help eliminate waste and digestion. Natural sugars found in fruit is more beneficial for your blood sugar level than processed sugars. Processed foods can partake in spiking your blood sugar level causing you to crash rapidly, which can lead to other health problems.

The following exercises can help you lose 5 Pounds a week.

Squats is the first exercise. A long time ago, I read that doing squats can help you stay in shape. Doing squats can help you burn fat fast.These are more challenging than they look.Start with 25 to 50 a day at first, but build up to 100 to 200 a day. The difficulty of squats should not be overlooked. They are critical in quickly lose weight.

The next exercise may sound a little unorthodox but give it a try anyways! Just like a child playing, spin in a circle. Spin 15 to 20 times until you start to feel dizzy. Why do you think this should be done? How is this relevant to losing weight? You can balance your endocrine system by spinning around in circles. To help you lose weight, you can balance your hormone levels and endocrine system. You might be surprised if you try this out for the next few days, you might start to feel different.

So now you know the easy tips to lose 5 pounds in a week. You can notice the weight lost results by doing these simple tips. Increase the protein and fiber your body takes in, squatting and spinning in circles. By doing these things every day, you can notice a significant change in your body.

Losing Weight Quickly

Losing weight quickly is going to take some effort, and you might find that the weight will start to creep back over time. Here is some advice on how you can go about losing weight fast:

Eating better is the first step. Eat fruits and vegetables to get the most nutrition you can. Try to steer clear of high-fat foods and junk food. If you don't like traditional workouts, try at least to take up a simple exercise like walking before each meal. Eating better is absolutely critical if you're serious about losing weight quickly.

Second, get in the habit of drinking green tea. Green tea is a little known secret weapon in helping you lose weight faster. There are tons of different types of green tea, so you can experiment with them until you find your favorite. Try to find loose leaf or matcha because these types don't come in tea bags, which actually filter out a lot of the nutrients.

Three, stop drinking soda. These are bad for you. Diet drinks are garbage too. They are filled with dangerous things like aspartame.

Forth, don't go it alone. Team up with a friend or acquaintance who is also trying to shed some weight. The two of you can motivate each other. Weight loss is a heck of a lot easier when you are part of a team.

Next, your really need to make sure you don't overeat. The typical three meals that most people eat each day isn't really good enough for most people. What you might want instead is to eat five or six meals that are much smaller over the course of the day. This controls metabolism better and will help ensure that you don't indulge in sugary snacks.

Lastly, set a target weight for yourself. Most people fail from the get-go by having something vague like "I want to lose weight this year". How do you know when you succeeded? When you see you've dropped a pound? Maybe twenty? If you don't have specific goal, you simply won't achieve any form of success. Pick a number and check your progress.

Take these tips and practice them and you'll know how to lose weight and keep it off. Losing weight is no easy thing by far. You're fighting all the bad habits you've built up over the years, but with some will power and perseverance you can do it.

How to Lose Man Boobs

How can a man control anything in his life when he can't even get a grip on his weight? "Man boobs" are one of the biggest indicators that a man is overweight. How to get rid of man boobs is not that easy when you start to look at the problem. Let's look more at the causes first before taking a closer look at what you can do about it.

You could have man boobs for one of two reasons:

Being overweight -- You shouldn't find this surprising. Man boobs usually come from too much fat building up on a man's chest. This fat is the result of eating too much fatty food. So, the answer for getting rid of man boobs is then to start eating right and exercising more.

Hormone levels -- You might also get man boobs through a rare condition called Gynecomastia. In this condition, your body is very low on testosterone. What you will have instead is too much estrogen. The end result is male breasts. This could be the result of side effects from medicine that you're taking or a testicular tumor,

If you suffer from a hormonal imbalance, see a doctor for appropriate corrective measures.

However, if you're overweight, keep reading and you'll discover how to get rid of man boobs and lose weight faster than ever.

To lose man boobs, you will need to combine proper diet, aerobic exercise, and weight training.

Diet -- It would be good to set appropriate portions for your meals. Begin each week by deciding what you are going to eat for each meal that week. Make sure to decide on HOW MUCH you're going to eat as well. Limit fatty foods. Keep a record of how much you eat daily. You'll probably find it challenging at first, but don't give up. The results are worth it.

Strength Training -- This includes weight training and resistance exercises to build muscle. Muscles will burn away fat and shrink your man boobs. Stick with your workouts. They'll be tough at first, but they do get easier.

Aerobic Exercise -- This goes along with the strength training and will help boost your fat loss. Here you'll be doing exercises that involve constant motion like running, or bicycling. You'll be losing weight and burning calories actively by bringing your heart rate up. Lots of gyms have good group workout programs where you can do aerobic exercises with other people.

These tips have shown you how to lose your man boobs by eating right and exercising regularly. Don't give up and soon man boobs will be a thing of the past for you.